Mobile Digital Learning Evaluation for Teachers and Students: TYPICAL USE Surveys

In these surveys, you and your students (optional) are asked to consider practices over the past year.

If you choose to use the teacher survey, you will receive a unique and detailed report at the end for your own professional development. At the start of the survey, we will seek your permission to use your anonymous data generated from your responses to further develop our understanding of teachers’ use of iPAC. This research project's ethics approval number is: UTS HREC No.ETH20-5007
* Teacher Information Sheet.

If you choose to use the student survey , we will seek permission from you, parents and your school to use the anonymous data generated from the students' responses to further develop our understanding of teachers’ use of iPAC. This research project's ethics approval number is: UTS HREC No. ETH20-5007
* School Information Sheet
* Parent Information Sheet
* Student Information Sheet

For survey validation details, see: Kearney, M., Burke, P., & Schuck, S. (2019). The iPAC scale: A survey to measure distinctive mobile pedagogies. TechTrends